With every breath, I take
My life is filled with the fake.
Fake emotions all around me,
Fake world surrounding me.
Illusions are now taken as reality,
The craziness mistaken for sanity.
Bonds between people fragile like ice,
Even the strongest broken with a roll of dice.
People grew more and more cruel.
And if you're different then you're a fool.
Values and morals fade and fade away.
Everyday obstacles come in my way.
Are we living in a sane world anymore?
Or this insanity already reached the core.
Life should not be this confusing.
Are we winning here or are we losing?
Have people given up on hope?
Or their dreams are strangled by a rope.
With what they have, everyone just settle.
To me life has become like a riddle.
Questions, Win or lose? Quit or fight?
Answers to these questions I cannot seem to find.
Holding on to hope is like holding on to fire.
People around me seem only lost in desire.
The magic in this world is clearly lost.
People’s hearts became cold as frost.
I look around, can't find any kindness
I look and find it replaced with iciness.
Is the hope in change really lost and gone?
Or I should still hope and wait for dawn.
The beautiful magic, can it be restored?
Can hope and dreams spread across the world?
Of a magical utopia, I constantly dream.
Where love and care flow like a water stream.
Where people can trust and believe in magic.
The magic of a world, so peaceful with no tragic.
It might be childish to hold on to such dream,
But I have to admit it gives me a wide beam.
The power to dream I don't want to lose.
Cause when lost I feel that time also froze.
Childish or ridiculous as it may seem.
I'm resolved to hold on to the power to dream.
I will always believe in magic, and so should you.
It's in my power to change the tragic, and so could you.
Just believe.
My life is filled with the fake.
Fake emotions all around me,
Fake world surrounding me.
Illusions are now taken as reality,
The craziness mistaken for sanity.
Bonds between people fragile like ice,
Even the strongest broken with a roll of dice.
People grew more and more cruel.
And if you're different then you're a fool.
Values and morals fade and fade away.
Everyday obstacles come in my way.
Are we living in a sane world anymore?
Or this insanity already reached the core.
Life should not be this confusing.
Are we winning here or are we losing?
Have people given up on hope?
Or their dreams are strangled by a rope.
With what they have, everyone just settle.
To me life has become like a riddle.
Questions, Win or lose? Quit or fight?
Answers to these questions I cannot seem to find.
Holding on to hope is like holding on to fire.
People around me seem only lost in desire.
The magic in this world is clearly lost.
People’s hearts became cold as frost.
I look around, can't find any kindness
I look and find it replaced with iciness.
Is the hope in change really lost and gone?
Or I should still hope and wait for dawn.
The beautiful magic, can it be restored?
Can hope and dreams spread across the world?
Of a magical utopia, I constantly dream.
Where love and care flow like a water stream.
Where people can trust and believe in magic.
The magic of a world, so peaceful with no tragic.
It might be childish to hold on to such dream,
But I have to admit it gives me a wide beam.
The power to dream I don't want to lose.
Cause when lost I feel that time also froze.
Childish or ridiculous as it may seem.
I'm resolved to hold on to the power to dream.
I will always believe in magic, and so should you.
It's in my power to change the tragic, and so could you.
Just believe.
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