Friday, October 22, 2010

One year anniversary...

Exactly one year ago I was introduced to the world of  blogging; and ever since blogging became a part of my life, a part I really love. Growing up writing was not among my interests. I loved to read, to draw, to dance but I never thought about writing. So the big question is why do I write??

I was never good with expressing how I feel, and being a very emotional person obviously I had a lot to say. One day I read an article about the power of writing and how it can help you express yourself in a healthy way. I decided to give it a shot without any intention to show what I wrote to anyone. Writing became my therapy, my get away and my salvation. Writing healed my wounds and gave me a new way to express myself.

A year went by and I wrote and wrote without even thinking about posting my writings even on my facebook account, until one day I saw a note written by a friend and it encouraged me to post what I wrote. I started with little notes and sending my poems to my friends. The more feedback I got the more I wanted to write and post my writings. I started posting my writings on groups and all the feedback and support encouraged me to take another step forward.

It began as a way of letting my feelings out and it became a huge part of me. A part I didn’t know existed. A part I never knew I’d love so much. I became addicted to blogging. I was someone who didn’t know how to put her feelings into words and I became someone eager to write about how I feel. I fell in love with writing.

 Today my blog is exactly one year old. I owe a big thank you to my awesome friends who read whatever I sent them and gave me encouraging feedback.

To Nariman Tarek Ashour, You are amazing :D. You were one of the people who inspired me to write. Thank you for your support and for the encouragement.

To Mariam Serag, you always give me the most encouraging feedback ever :D and you helped me choose a name for this blog :D you were a very good supporter. I love you.

 To Bothayna Hossam, Sarah Ammar, Yara Adel and Hoda Medhat you girls were the first people to read my writings and your words of encouragement kept me going :D  

To all my other friends who read what I asked them to read even though they don’t really like reading, thank you for the support guys.

A special thank you to the one who introduced me to blogging and kept telling me to create a blog until I finally did. To my very supportive writing buddy Muhammad Hazem Sherif, thank you for encouraging me to create this blog and to keep writing :D

And a huge thank you to everyone who ever read anything I wrote and made an effort to write me an encouraging comment. To the strangers who kept reading and kept leaving encouraging comments. Your support is what encourages me to keep writing.

Thank you.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

A new step...

Today, I opened the closed door and took a new step.
I took a new step so I can open up my heart again.
So I can take a long deep breath,
And feel the fresh air filling my lungs.

I took a new step towards a dream,
A dream of freedom and peacefulness.
A dream of someone I want to be.
I took a new step to be able to believe in dreams again.

I took a new step to erase the old ones.
To let go of the old paths and old dreams.
I took a new step towards courage and adventure.
To have the strength to walk new paths and dream new dreams.

I opened the closed door and took a new step.
A new step away from the past and towards the future.
A new step towards change.
A new step towards life.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

The dark Corridors...

Every now and then we take a walk in the long twisted corridors of our minds.
Behind the closed doors that represent the days we’ve lived,
We find the dusty shelves that hold our memories.
Some memories are kept on pretty clean shelves.
Cherished and cared for.
Remembered and Loved!
Some memories are left out with dust piling up on them.
Uncared for and abandoned.
Unloved and disregarded!
We love to go back to our favorite memories,
Relive them over and over in our minds.
We try to avoid unwanted reminders of unwanted moments.
Try to overlook them, pretend that they are not there
And at the back of the long and twisted corridor,
There’s a door standing alone.
The One door we don’t dare open.
The one door that conceals our deepest secrets,
Our worst fears and our scariest memories.
The door that leads to our darkest side.
We don’t like to open that door.
We pretend it’s not there.
We pray that it doesn’t burst open.
We turn back leaving the corridors,
Leaving the good, the bad and the ugly memories.
We know we’ll be back soon for another walk.
We take one last look at what makes us who we are,
And head back to the present.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

I need...

Two urges  keep popping out in my mind every time I wonder aimlessly in the corridors of my mind. I have the urge to write and write and write; I don’t know why I’m not writing everything I want to write. This urge comes with a strange need to write in Arabic, something I never thought about, why ?? no reason. For so long I thought in English. Every time I sat down to write anything down even something as simple as a shopping list I’d write it in English, why ?? I have no idea. Well I do actually have some idea; English has always been something dear to my heart. It will always be that way that’s why I chose English as my major in college. I'm simply IN LOVE with English :D 

I don’t understand why I want to start writing in Arabic, or why I can’t bring myself to do it. I’ve thought about it several times. Something is missing and I need to find it.

I think I’m scared to try!

That brings me to the second urge that keeps coming back. I feel an inexplicable need to feel deep. I need to have a meaning to my thoughts. I need to start thinking and observing again. I don’t know when did I stop observing what goes around me. I think I stopped observing what’s going on inside me too. I’ve put my mind into sleep mode.

It’s time to wake up!

It’s time to take some new steps.

I need inspiration.

I need freedom of thought. 

I need to breath again.

Saturday, October 2, 2010


I’m falling into the darkness,
Knowing that no one will catch me.
I trip and I fall.
I try to forget it all,
And move one into the darkness.
Maybe if I keep moving I’ll find the light again.
Maybe somewhere at the end of the road,
The sun is shining and waiting.
Maybe someone will catch me before I hit the ground,
Or maybe not.
All I know is that I’m falling and I don’t really care.
I’m falling and I’m not even scared.
Cause I’m falling alone.
No matter how hard I fell,
Or how bad it hurt.
I’ll be stronger,
And ready to fall all over again.

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