Tuesday, October 12, 2010

I need...

Two urges  keep popping out in my mind every time I wonder aimlessly in the corridors of my mind. I have the urge to write and write and write; I don’t know why I’m not writing everything I want to write. This urge comes with a strange need to write in Arabic, something I never thought about, why ?? no reason. For so long I thought in English. Every time I sat down to write anything down even something as simple as a shopping list I’d write it in English, why ?? I have no idea. Well I do actually have some idea; English has always been something dear to my heart. It will always be that way that’s why I chose English as my major in college. I'm simply IN LOVE with English :D 

I don’t understand why I want to start writing in Arabic, or why I can’t bring myself to do it. I’ve thought about it several times. Something is missing and I need to find it.

I think I’m scared to try!

That brings me to the second urge that keeps coming back. I feel an inexplicable need to feel deep. I need to have a meaning to my thoughts. I need to start thinking and observing again. I don’t know when did I stop observing what goes around me. I think I stopped observing what’s going on inside me too. I’ve put my mind into sleep mode.

It’s time to wake up!

It’s time to take some new steps.

I need inspiration.

I need freedom of thought. 

I need to breath again.


  1. I enjoy what you write in English. Things like "I wonder aimlessly" are simply wonderful. Maybe you could write in Arabic and then translate into English? That would be interesting, I think.

  2. Well thank you :) writing in arabic and then translating it sounds interesting indeed :D maybe I will give it a shot.


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