Saturday, December 17, 2011


I opened my eyes slowly, expecting to see the soft morning light slipping through the tiny opening in the curtain. I, instead, was faced with absolute darkness. I was a little disoriented, for a moment I thought I haven't opened my eyes yet or maybe it was still night time. I opened and closed my eyes a couple of times, as if doubting them. But no, I was really enveloped in total darkness.

I fumbled around reaching for my cell phone to see what time it is.. Where did that thing go? I always put it on the bedside table... instead I reached for the bedside lamp to find some light... Where did that go too? Where did the bedside table go?!! I reached to remove the covers to get out of bed.. only to find that there were no covers.. and no bed either. I reached around me, trying to find something to touch.. anything.. and found... nothing!

Where am I? what is this place? what happened?  

I noticed now that I wasn't walking. It was like floating, my feet didn't touch a firm ground. I moved my hands hysterically, trying to find anything around me.. anything.. only to be confronted with only one thing.. absolute, dark nothingness.. (To be continued...)

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