Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thoughts of an optimistic pessimist

Living in a jungle called the human world.
People living without one true word.
Deceit and betrayal are the only truth.
And yet we live in denial;
We see the smoke but ignore the fire.

No longer brave; no longer strong.
Fighting all the time, we never get along.
Love and morals died out.
And yet we live in denial;
We see the smoke but ignore the fire.

We all suffer and it’s entirely our fault.
Respect and honesty no longer taught.
Pain and destruction now rule the world.
And yet we live in denial;
We see the smoke but ignore the fire.

To be fair the jungle isn’t always that bad.
There’s also beauty and for it I’m glad.
But this beauty is fading away;
We have to do our best for it to stay.
Because this jungle is our home.

Life will always be bitter sweet.
If the good exists, so does the bad.
So there’s no point in staying mad.
But we can’t keep living in denial;
Because we can’t keep ignoring the fire.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Butterflies and Hurricanes...

A butterfly in a beautiful garden.
A fragile creature with a heavy burden.
A heavy burden often known as life,
As in this life it’s not easy to survive.

The beautiful butterfly’s doing it’s best.
To live a full life and to never resist,
A chance for it’s soul to revive,
Until it’s the end of it’s life.

Through the garden it flies,
The river of it's dreams never dries.
And then comes a mighty hurricane,
Wiping the dreams away with it’s rain.

As the hurricane grows fiercer,
And the end seems nearer and nearer.
The butterfly is stuck in a fight,
That needs to be fought to reach the light.

Standing still won’t lead you anywhere,
It’s fight or lose and we’ve all been there.
It may take you a while to win this fight,
But at least you’re not giving up tonight.

The hurricane is only as strong as you are.
Aim to reach the sky, it’s not that far.
There’s no way to avoid a hurricane,
So stand in the middle and enjoy the rain.

Cause we’re all butterflies in the garden.
We’re all flying through life with it’s burden.
And no matter how fierce is the next hurricane,
We’re no longer afraid of the rain…

Inspired by: A song called "Butterflies and Hurricanes- MUSE"

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