Wednesday, December 30, 2009

A letter to 2009...

Dear 2009:

You're almost over and it's time to say goodbye. I don't know why most people are not happy with you. So what if some bad things happened :) it happens all the time. For me you were a great year, even though I had my share of misfortunate events :) I learned a lot and I dare to say I feel much happier than I felt in 2008. At the end of 2008 I wished for new things and I wished for better things, not all my wishes came true and some didn't come out as I wanted them to be but I didn't really expect them to be perfect even though I wanted them to be.

2009, you were a great year for me in the matters of communication, I'm finally learning how to let everything out :). You are without doubt one of the most important years of my life as I discovered the joy of writing and experienced the amazing feeling of having friends and complete strangers reading my writings and giving me awesome feedback :):). I discovered things in me I didn't know were there and I feel much much happier.

Okay some issues remained the same this year and I truly wished that they'll change but who am I kidding it's impossible :) so that wish went with the wind lol. I didn't cry as much as I did in 2008 so that's definitely an up (Y). In the end of 2008 certain people walked into my life luckily they walked out and it was an eye opening experience so I'm thankful for that. 2009, a lot of very important things in my life happened during your days and I'm thankful for having such a good year.

I tried to change for worse this year- I tried to be rude and evil (6) lol-as I thought it might be easier but I didn't like myself that way and I couldn't even do it right . I discovered that perfection is not what people think of as perfect it's what I think of as perfect. Btw I'm trying to quit wanting everything to be perfect it's exhausting ;). In the end, I know it's crazy to even write a letter to a year-maybe I went a little crazy during you as well- but I had something to say and I'll say it no matter how crazy it may seem...2009 I love you (K)


  1. i love how optimistic u r :) u have a beautiful soul !! and u too dont ever change ur self <3

  2. Interesting simulation Nada. I was just about to adopt the same perspective in expressing another subject; the one-to-one imaginative talk perspective:D. You used it intelligently and succeeded in delivering an enjoyable reading experience as usual.

    I loved it truthfully and admired the pessimistic intent that lies behind this well-structured content :)

  3. @ Nahla: thank you so much :) your comment truly made me happy.
    @Mohamed: Great minds think alike :D. Thank you I'm glad you liked it.


It's my pleasure to read your comment :)

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