Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The rainbow of life...

Life is not just black and white.
In fact, there is no particular color for life.
Life is too great to be limited to certain colors.
I can’t draw limits around life.
I can’t find a logical explanation to everything.
Sometimes things happen because they happen.
No matter how hard I try to define what color resembles life,
I end up discovering a new color of life.
I don’t think life has any rules.
There is no way to guarantee happiness.
There is no way you can predict misfortunes.
You can't assume that life is only black and white.
Life is full of colors and no one can tell you which colors are best.
You have to make your own rules and create your own theories.
You have to pick your own colors.
So for now,
I pick black, white and fuschia.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting idea :). Well, i guess that you color your life according to how you eye it .

    But why did you choose the black, white, and Fuschia :D!

    The picture is visually compelling and quite relevant :)


It's my pleasure to read your comment :)

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